Yes, there were a lot of things this girl did wrong (drinking underage, drinking on medication, drinking without someone there to watch over her and make sure she was ok) - and this is exactly why you don't want to drink on meds and you want to have someone sober keep watch over you while drinking.
However, I don't think "deserved" is really the right word for it. She became a statistic - another drunk girl who was sexually assaulted. She needs to take the advice of the people above: go to a rape councellor and figure out what, if any, her legal options are for prosecution of the two guys.
As for the two guys: Vigilante justice, while definitely an appealing idea, may very well get you in legal trouble. As for what you should do: Be a good and supportive friend, and try to get her to take action against the guys. Covering this up won't help anyone. And in the future, do not let her do this sort of thing again (drinking on meds and drinking without someone (preferably male) sober to keep watch over her.
Eat antimatter, Posleen-boy!