Originally posted by sixate
A little more info this time, but my opinion doesn't change. The problem is in the alcohol. If she never got drunk and high it never woulda happened. Fine, she's on pills from an accident, but she should know better. Never mix pills with alcohol. Drunk people who get taken advantage of deserve it. I'm not criticizing. I'm helping by telling you to tell her to never drink and she will never have that happen again. Can you honestly say I'm wrong....
I cant disagree more. What kind of degenerate scum bag takes advantage of a person in this state?
Say you, forwhatever reason, ended up intoxicated to0 the point where you were unable to make a consious decision, and sum big guy (even bigger then you) named bubba decided your asshole needed to be stretched a bit...
And he decided he had just the tool to do it... And you couldnt really do a damn thing about it... Would you still feel that you deserved it?
You come across as extrememly callous.
This guy posts asking for help, and you more or less call his friend "a retarded slutty junkie", in the words of elwood.
What ever happened to posting nicely, or using the back button?
The only good point you have made is that no, if you dont drink you have a seriously lower chance of ending up in a situation like this.
But, that doesnt change the fact that it wasnt her fault. Its was the dickhead who forced her into it's fault.