Gentlemen: Give a little credit where credit is due. Jason has had one of the best seasons of any QB in NCAA history. Yes he did it with great talent around him, but he made the throws and got them in the right plays and genarally did the job in outstanding fashion. Is he the MVP? probably. Is he the most outstanding player debatable for sure. Jason likely won't be the guy making huge bucks on Sunday at least anytime soon. Eli will but like so many others he will struggle early. Here's my point, living in Denver I watched the Bronco vs the Browns on the tube. There on the Cleveland sideline was Nate Hybl and Kelly Holcomb anyone ever heard of these guys? For reference Nate was Jason's replacement after the knee blew last year. Jason is a far better QB. He will make a roster and hold a clipboard for someone assuming he doesn't go for a medical redshirt. He might even play down the road. For what it is worth he is a great story and a heck of a good college football player, who played about as good aseason as anyone has in a number of years.
If I was any better I'd have to be twins!