I sleep constantly and always have. I can go to bed at 10pm and still sleep till 12 in the afternoon. Does anyone else have this problem? I get tired out really easily and take alot of naps during the day too. I'm even prescribed Adderall as a stimulant to help keep me awake. It becomes a problem because alot of the time I'm too tired to study, get dressed, go to school etc. It makes my parents mad because they think I'm being lazy, but I really am tired! I even get mad at myself because I can't get alot accomplished during the day because I'm so worn out.
I have been tested for diabetes but don't have it and do have a light case of anemia, where I can't skip meals but other than that doctors can't find anything wrong with me.
I have been diagonsed with depression and take medications to help it out which work (sometimes). That's the only thing I can think of that would make me so tired. Even though I want to get things finished and not sleep!
By the way do you dream in color or black and white? I dream in color, my mom in B&W.
If you speak another language, do you dream in English or your native tongue?
I sleep so much that I've learned to control my dreams which is kinda neat. I always dream at night too. In my dreams I have taught myself to fly and when something bad might happen in a dream, I tell people off or leave because I know I can!