I grew up on a farm and I'll tell you its not the small farmer who's abusing this it's the corporate farms that are! I've known way too many small farmers that went under even with subsidies. People who haven't farmed don't realize just how much it costs to farm. A simple farm tractor these days can easily run above the $100,000. The funny thing about our government is that instead of promoting the exporting of US corn we import corn from other countries. I've taken jobs over the summer where I was paid by the US government to go over corn fields with a mower because the goverment paid us more to mow it than what we would have made if we had grown the corn, harvested it and attempted to sell it. I've seen corn prices so low that we prayed the field would burn to the ground because it wasn't worth it. I've also seen corn prices in the $5.00 + per bushel. Farmings a very rewarding profession, however it's been given a bad name because people think subsidies are just to make farmers more money. While almost all other food in the US has kept pace with inflation, however corn prices have not for the most part. Just my 2 cents.
And while that corn would be edible it wouldn't taste good, it's called field corn, grown to feed cattle, hogs, and chickens not humans. Wouldn't make good popcorn either.