Originally posted by tikki
I personally think rap music has lessened the severity of the word. It is such common place in most of today's rap that if you listen to that type of music, you don't really think of it as the N-word.
No, I don't go around calling people it, but I also don't gasp when I hear it.
while "we" have become desensitized to hearing it, pretty much any black person that isn't a friend, if they over heard it, would have a huge problem. as someone said above, you can use it if you in that group, but otherwise it's gonna cause a problem.
lpm, don't tell you sister to stop using it. she probably won't listen to that. her use of it now is probably a bit of a phase, like it's the word of the month or whatever. but try to get her to understand that using it in public is a big no-no and if she says it at the wrong time, could make her life rather unpleasant.