I would never vote for Hillary for anything. She's getting by on name recognition alone. So far, she's done nothing for NY, that wasn’t going to happen anyway.
A women I would vote for President - <a target=new href="http://abcnews.go.com/sections/politics/PoliticalNation/profile_rice.html"><b>Dr. Condoleezza Rice</b> </a> She's one tough lady, who doesn’t take any shit. If you see her on some Sunday talk show, I suggest you watch. She would blow Hillary away in a debate on anything…
But I'm sure lots of people are going to have problems with her. She worked for Chevron (she had a tanker named after her, that’s since been renamed) Charles Schwab; Transamerica Corp., and was a Prof at Stanford. But I want some one who made money in the real world and has had a job. I don’t want fuck-ups who never tried anything in the real world leading me.
So, my choices are a women who rides her husbands coat-tails (she has to ride the tails, as there always some else on the front of the garment)*, or a self made women who hold more degrees than I can count…tough call.
* Thanks To Dennis Miller for that line.
When I jerk off I feel good for about twenty seconds and then WHAM it's right back into suicidal depression