Parent Deborah Young said she believes homosexuality should not be discussed in school.
“Christianity means to show love and compassion,” Young said, “by protecting kids from danger ... and the harmful effects of homosexuality. It is a dangerous way to live.
Well, first off, we live in a strangely sexually repressed culture. Hello, sex is a part of life... are we going to pretend that it doesn't exist until high school? Not that we should be graphic about it, but we can't ignore it. If we don't let kids talk about it they're going to think it is bad. Why do you think in Europe the numbers of people under the age of 18 choose to wait to have sex a lot more than in the US? Why are teen pregnancies so much higher in the US?
Additionally, this isn't a religious issue, and what is so dangerous about homosexuality? This attitude is all the more reason why it should be talked about, to break down the myths. And compassion - what is compassionate about calling someone's parent dangerous and wrong? What is this lesbian doing that is such a threat (other than existing and being open about who she is)?
The message the school seems to be telling the child and the community is that "it is wrong that you're mother is gay, and you aren't allowed to talk about it". So, great, let's shame the kid for something he has no control over.
I agree with the ACLU... this attitude leads to violence, and I've seen it firsthand several times.