Originally posted by Holo
I think this whole crusade of hating smokers is a bit hypocritical. There's been evidence of damage to health for decades, and only now 5 years after proof was found is there a major backlash. Cigarettes got popular because society glamorized it. I know I started smoking at 14 to look and feel more adult, and many many others did the same. It's our fault as a society this was been adopted, and like a poster above said we can't expect an overnight turnover. Till then don't punish smokers who are currently smoking, either by choice or inability to kick the addiction. Addiction is much like suicide; unless you're in the person's head or have been in a similar state you really can't make an informed judgment of what they go through.
All I'll say is I'll never feel sorry for anyone with an addiction. All addictions happen by choice. People choose to do the shit. That includes cigs, drugs, ancohol, and so on. Mind over matter, and my mind is more powerful that any drug. If you must know, I'm very judgemental when it comes to stuff like this. I see it as a weakness, and I won't ever be a part of it.
BTW, I don't go to bars. When my friends go out to places like that I choose to stay home or do something else. I hate the smell of cigs and don't want the shit near me. I don't drink, so why would I go to a bar? I'm not a weak dumbass who needs to hang out in crowds to feel like I belong like 90% of the rest of the sheep/population.