Team Light
Member 1: Matt is a well-rounded fighter with skill in grappling, boxing, karate, and other martial arts. He uses no weaponry. His main ability is in his ability to take hits. He is one tough motha. Matt always does what is right, but he is definately a no-nonsense type of guy.
Member 2: Eldaire is what most would imagine as a medival knight. Though he does not wear a suit of armor, he does carry a broad-sword and a shield. Also in his inventory is a bow and arrow set, but he rarely uses them. Not the fastest guy around, but his arsenal of weaponry and great strength make him a tough foe. Eldaire is the essence of pure hearted. He has an intricate honor code and is obsessed with doing the right thing.
Member 3: Amarth is more like a samurai. He uses a long katana and is unsurpassed in the department of speed. He is a dark mysterious person with little regard for the feelings of his opponent. Though he usually winds up on the side of good, it seems that his alliance with the forces of light are shakey at best.
Member 4: Heero is a calm fluid fighter. He is a monk and uses a bo as a weapon. He practices the sei chi style. This warrior doesn't seem to talk much, but in the fighting rink he lets his fists speak for him. (He speaks softly, but he carries a biiiiig stick!