12-12-2003, 06:50 PM
#11 (permalink)
who ever said streaking was a bad thing?
Originally posted by BonesCPA
I used to use this comparison:
Football - Large (weight) athletes fighting their way to the end zone against egually large athletes, one play at a time with many subsitutions.
Basketball - Large (tall) athletes working up and down the court putting as many points on the board as possible, with very few interruptions and substitutions.
Soccer - Small(er) athletes working in unison to score (at all), with no breaks and minimal substituion.
Hockey - Average (for sports) sized athletes working in unison (soccer), up and down the ice (basketball), substituting frequently and hitting the opponents hard (football).
I see it as being the best of all the other sports combined, on ice, and you usually get to see a fight - which is only half-heartedly frowned upon.
My opinion anyway.
Damn Straight