Originally posted by Bloodslick
The rest of you all know that a cook who's stoned on the job would think it would be funny as hell to put extra toppings on a burger that was supposed to come up plain, and that they'd probably do it once they thought about it. How is this not having your judgment impaired?
I worked with stoner chefs before, and they never tried to piss off or play pranks on the customers. They did their jobs and occasionally poked fun at each other... and what kind of sense of humor is that? "oh he asked for plain so i'm gonna give him toppings" fuckin HI-LARIOUS 
I don't want my burger to come back with extra toppings; I don't want my glass to come back with e. coli lovingly left around the rim; I don't want my UPS package routed two states away because the idiot sorting the packages as they come off the truck is stoned; I don't want to have to explain myself three times, slowly, before my request to be put through to the electronics department is understood; I don't want some higher-up to stop producing the style of lamp that I like because it doesn't look like it would make a good bong. Do you understand?
Your original rant was about people who circumvent drug tests, but now you're complaining about people who take drugs at work and fuck up their jobs or your orders. What kind of executive would discontinue a lamp because it wouldn't make a good bong? what's the correlation? Fuck-ups happen with or without drugs, but you make it seem like smokers do it on purpose to fuck with you. and the e. coli on your glass? c'mon.
I'm not defending people who smoke at work, and I have not and would not mix the two (in fact i don't even smoke anymore); but in my experience, my coworkers who smoked ON THE JOB did their jobs just fine, and they would burn a whole blunt on their break. They also never did anything as remotely heinous as your exxagerated examples.