Thread: RAM Brands
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Old 12-12-2003, 11:13 AM   #2 (permalink)
Location: Truro, Nova Scotia
Well I wouldnt buy generic ram (kingmax, crucial, stuff like that) its called Value Ram and for good reason, its cheap. It will work ok in a system, but if I was you I would look at getting either Kingston hyperX or Corsair. Even the value ram from these companys are good so look for some of this if you can. Also look around the net and see if your mobo has any brands that it really doesn't like. if there if a brand it dislikes, make sure you dont get it.

Hopefully this wont discourage you from getting value ram, it does have its place. I got some cheap ram myself for a Celeron system I was making. but if you have a main system with a good proc and FSB, dont make a bottleneck by buying cheap RAM.
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