Hm, very tough call.
Last election (the first I was of voting age for), I made it a point to vote third-party, due to my distaste for a two-party system. Lots of my friends have chastized me for helping Bush win, but my defense is that Gore won my state, damn it! That's all that could have been done from my perspective. I might do the same this election, depending on the forecast of who will win my state (Maryland). If it's a toss-up or looking bad for the Democrats, I will definately vote Democrat. If the Democratic candidate is definately going to take Maryland... I might see what else there is to offer.
Now, as for who I would pick specifically... I think a Dean/Clark ticket would get my vote. Dean has kinda been overly ultra-left and anti-bush, but part of me thinks its rhetoric to get people riled up. I don't think he would be like that as much as the election nears (or during a term as president). And I think Clark would make an excellent VP.
Greetings and salutations.