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Old 12-12-2003, 03:02 AM   #18 (permalink)
Location: Dunedin, New Zealand
Nice story matthew.

One of the reasons I signed up to Tilted was to relate this story. I work as a builder/carpenter and at the moment I am working on a conversion project where a old hospital is being turned into a primary school.
Now I am a sceptic and always laugh of most semi paranormal things you experiance in day to day life deja vu etc, but lately at work I have started to notice weird things going on. 2 weeks ago I was walking down a corridor in one of the wings and saw a figure walk into a room, i just carried on my way got to where i was going and stopped short as the person I swear I saw walk in to the room was there working away quite oblivous, so I took to my toes and ran to the room that the figure went in, say 20 secs have gone by now, and no sign of anyone.
So then I thought I was mad and swore to cut back on the coffee at smoko, but on wednesday I saw the same figure, non descript just dark humanoid outline, go into the same room. I went off after this figure to the room, not knowing what to do when i got there btw, and no one there.
Freaky stuff
Dont know what to do now. I might carry a camera around with me? Any suggestions?
My wit often gets in the way of my pithiness.
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