well i installed it recently, and was just playing with it, its a bit odd, imagine doing your compiling in an explorer type shell.
its got some nice features, zerolink which allows you to run debug from the obj without the link stage, which i think is implemented badly since its now a run time before you find out about link errors, it'd be nice for an easy of checking it instead of switching options and redoing it.
its got "fix and compile" which is similar to VC's edit and compile, VC got the better name i see
the editor is pretty basic so far, i prefer devstudios to it,
mutitasks very well, compiles and edits smoothly
debugger is gdb with a frontend so ick there
i couldnt seem to get it add a breakpoint after it ran, i'm still playing around with it though so it might be something i've missed, source code is shown, it seems to break well, and find itself inside os routines.
still getting used to it, i have a hard time with the one window per object thing, but thats just a matter of getting used to it, you are probably more used to OSX than i am.
parallel multiple machine compile which is nice for big projects, thats something i'd defintely miss from my visual C setup.
Seems the build system is internal , hopefully theres a way of doing makefiles or similar, since i often have custom tools.
gcc generates reasonably good code, though i dont know if it does altivec support and how good it is yet.
Still i absolutely detest codewarrior and this much better
If there something speciific you wnat me to look for, let me know.
If i get time i'll try actually doing a project instead of messing with the examples.