it'd be helpful if you told us which OS you were using.
you want to track down the registry key that IE uses for the home page setting, then make it a reg file with it in it, then add in the login script
regedit -s "full pathname of the registry script"
its best to put the reg file on a machine thats always on and has
read access, then you an alter the reg file for everyone at once.
so you'd add to the login script
regedit -s "\\ourserver\scripts\homepage.reg"
then the reg file would have something like
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]
"Start Page"=""
This is for XP, and for IE6 since i don't know your OS , i'm using mine as an example, also i don't know if you know how to write a login script at all, its under the profile settings of the users properties, i'd also point that to the same path, or at least one with the same rules and make sure its accessable to all users.
Of course i hope i don't have to remind you that login scripts are open to some serious abuse, so you'd want to make sure that they are not editable, or otherwise compromisable, otherwise you might get some pee'd off users