What's the problem with legalizing illegals? Seriously, I don't get it, we want to legalize them, because we want people to come here. Just do the process right and there should be no problem. I, one of the most conservative people on the TFP, think this is great, the main goal should be to legalize them (we can keep tabs on them with the PATRIOT Act even better!/sarcasm). Get them into the workforce, boost our economy, this'll be great. And as Chavos said, it's just civil penalties, yes the law is in the United States Code, but it is like a misdemeanor, just legalize them after they go thru the correct process and treat them as citizens as soon as they get their citizenship, I really don't see a problem with this.
"This ain't no Ice Cream Social!"
"Hey Grif, Chupathingy...how bout that? I like it...got a ring to it."
"I have no earthly idea what it is I just saw, or what this place is, or where in the hell O'Malley is! My only choice is to blame Grif for coming up with such a flawed plan. Stupid, stupid Grif."