Originally posted by DrJekyll
lordjeebus, were you around thousands of years ago to say that it's false? There are plenty of things that we're capable of inferring as logical. However, if I believe in an all-powerful God, how is it such a big stretch to suggest that he could do that if he wanted to? I can't prove it, but you can't technically "prove" anything yourself. Science realizes on testing in order for something to change from hypothesis to theory to law. History isn't exactly an experiment that you can repeat under controlled circumstances.
My "yep" did not imply any sort of proof, just my incredulity.
Anyone can come up with any number of explanations for anything that can't be proved wrong. I reserve the right to roll my eyes at a majority of them without being able to prove them incorrect, because they can't all be right and most of them seem arbitrary.
If I live in a world were a personified God created dinosaur fossils along with the Earth to give the illusion that the Earth is much older than it really is, I'd like to reserve my room in Hell now, please.
On a more philisophical note, sort of in line with CSflim, I believe the universe is best thought of as annihilated and reconstructed every