Originally posted by Kadath
You know, I don't think the illegal immigrants are providing enough of a benefit for me. Maybe if I got a nickel for every one of them we legalized, then I would be for it. But as it stands right now, I just don't stand to see enough of a personal incentive for me to support them.
Well, do you eat food?
Odds are, an illegal immigrant was involved in the planting, and harvesting of that food.
So unless you want to pay about triple what you pay now to eat, you might want to reconsider your stance.
While i understand the rant, one can't help but wonder what would happen if they got rid of all 18 million illegals. Bet you dollars to doughnuts 99% of them aren't on welfare, they are out there hustling a job or two or three.
I never fault a guy who works.