Well, down here we had a terrible cold thing going around several months ago. Lasted about a month (not just for me, for everyone who got it). Had the nose thing, the headaches, and a very...uh..."productive"... caugh. It was horrible, and took a few days to really start to be a pain.., lasted 2-3 weeks with the nose and everything, and another 2-4 weeks with the caughing. Landed my brother down with pneumonia (not like we get rain or cold or anything here that could have been the cause). I was at home, and since my mom was a nurse, every time id caugh shed come running over and want to listen to my lungs...
Anyway, that was our big cold thing...so not too many of us are sick down here yet. Though there is a minor cold going around (which i got)...just a stuffy nose...that pretty much it. So there might be a lot of us sick...and im just not noticing, cause the symptoms are pretty minor.
Dont cry kid, It's not your fault you suck.