I wouldn't see a problem with it really as long as it isn't an everyday consistant thing. Much older and she probably should be a little more careful. My daughter who is 3 is starting to ask questions and stare sometimes if hubby walks around nude. We've started to be more careful since she could talk. He wears undies at least around the house. I do too. She still nurses on occaision so breasts aren't an issue. I won't ever worry about her seeing me naked as we are the same gender. We don't freak out if she walks in on hubby just out of the shower or on the toilet. We are teaching her that people like to be alone and have quiet when they are using the toilet just because it's nice to have privacy then. I want her to be comfortable in her skin but I also want her to respect others. When other people come over I teach her that she needs to at least wear panties and a shirt. I often let her run around naked when it's just us at home because she like other babies likes being clothing free.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.