I dont' think we give them enough, They all have a personality.. many people seem to ignore them. As for the stick fetching thing.. they have been positively reinforced... so yes, they know that getting the stick results in something good for them, you can do that with just about anything. My sister's fish is funny, he'll try to make you give him food by doing certain things.. and not just trying to eat bubbles, but by putting a show for you.. (its a beta). She aslo has a bearded Dragon... that guy definately has a personality and he knows his name too. If you say Guido..(his name) he turns and looks at you. When i first met him.. he gave me the evil eye, for about a month. Just would look at me strangely every day, and i could just feel it too... But now he just looks at me as a friend. I do believe there is some way to communicate back and forth, I have yet to perform a psychic link tho... For one, Guido used to flail like crazy when you'd pick him up.. but when my mom or sister hold him.. then can hold him by his front "armpits" and he won't mind a bit.. If i do that he'll still flail as he's not used to me as much. Thats a bit of personality and pointing out intelligence as well. He also shows fear if he's in the car with you... the whole sense of moving fast yet not.. and all that.. its obvious that it scares him. Thats gotta count for something. A bird, that is no longer with us, we got that was orginally kept with rude owners. Being so, he rarely would let us hold him, but eventually we could get him to sit on our shoulders... The amazing thing was when he died. About 1 hour before he died, he realized he was dying... As he became really nice and showed us that he wanted to spend his last hour with us. It was really sad as he would cuddle up with us and just show signs of need and want to be loved... Soon after he perished. He knew he was dying... that alone speaks a lot to me.
k, back to my paper