BoCo I think you missed something in this. He didn't imply giving them citizenship or anything even approaching that point - he didn't imply that the country should give them the blanket whatever in the hell it was that California did in giving them the right to vote. He just said that, basically we need to know who they are. I deal with a lot of illegals everyday in a business that requires identification as proof of age - many of them don't even have this. We are either unable or unwilling to monitor our borders - they are open on all fronts and all of the illegals aren't from Mexico - in our part of the country we have a large number of Mennonites who are in here from Canada. There needs to be some way to identify these people, to know who they are, and why they are here - they definitely know about all of the entitlement programs and every known government handout that there is - they can at least have some status that would compel them to pay taxes etc.