Originally posted by Ustwo
We didn’t claim Bill Clinton was illegitimate as president. We didn’t even choke to much when Bill Clinton talked about a mandate despite his low % of the vote. And we sure as hell didn’t criticize Clinton with his various wars like the democrats are doing to Bush. Even the whole Somalia incident, which was one of the biggest clusterfucks a US president ever gave us, and our running from the region only fueled the ‘paper tiger’ image the US had, didn’t get the criticism it rightly deserved. (and BTW when do we get out of Kosovo?) We really should THANK Clinton for giving us the House of Representatives, but that’s another issue.
How short and selective memories can be. I remember these as near constant complaints during the Clinton years. Lack of mandate was repeatedly used as justification for Clinton being the first President in our history unable to pass honeymoon legislation. Remember "Gays in the military" legislation being filibustered and obstructed. What was the severe comprise worked out? All of Clinton's military involvments were severely criticized by the Right including Somalia, Kosovo, and the bombing campaigns in Kenya and Iraq.
Bush 1 losing the election had much more to do with him being a lousy President than Ross Perot. Perot was only able to achieve the votes he did with a Republican voter base disenfranchised with Bush. Let's also not forget that Perot appealed as an outsider candidate to voters from both the Right and Left.
Somalia pales in comparison on the clusterfuckometer to the clusterfuck that is post-war Iraq, for which there was virtually no planning. Remember the flowers and dancing our troops were to be greeted with? Me niether.