I was at a show the day after thanksgiving, totally rocking out and singing along, and I noticed this very attractive bartender who also seemed to be enjoying the music as well. My friend and I laughed about it, both wanting to find some cute guy to talk to. We were both acting like twelve year olds, checking out every man that walked by, just wishing it was as easy for women to tell a guy he was lookin good as it is for (some) guys to do to women. I am generally quite shy around new people, though once i get to know someone i'm very open and smartassed, but this night i decided to see where flirting would get me with this matthew-broderick-in-ferris-bueller-lookalike-bartender.
i refused to go to the bar, but every once in a while i'd look over at him and catch his eye and smile. he then casually walked by my friend and i on his way to wherever he had to go...he did this a few times...i never stopped smiling.
I had a lot of fun at the show, never expecting anything really at all to come of my smiling, but when the headlining band played their last song, he came up to me and put his hand on my arm, and said that i had pretty hair and that i was cute. we talked for a little while about general things (age/where we lived/other randomness) and he kept intensely looking at me and i was feeling very good vibes from him, so i decided to give him my number, and he plugged it into his phone. giving some random guy my number is something i rarely do for fear of things turning out to be creepy. but i was really digging this guy. he gave me a kiss on the cheek and a hug.
we parted ways, and i went downstairs to say goodbye to my friends before heading home. as i walked through the emptying venue, i saw him again, and we talked some more. we discussed music (we have similar favorites! and he's a gemini!) and schooling. he noticed my shoe was untied, jumped off the bar where he had been sitting and tied it for me. he kept looking at me intently and saying i was cute. i was practically floating. i decided it was finally time to head out after talking for about ten minutes, and i told him he'd better call. i started to walk away, but he jumped up again and gave me another kiss and more hugs. ahh he was so great!
but alas, it is hitting the two week mark from that night and i have still received no call from this mysterious cute dork bartender from brooklyn.
what is up with that? maybe i'm new to this whole giving out my number deal, but he seemed interested, so why not call? do you think i'm sol, or do you think my chances of getting a call are still good?
thanks for reading...
(whose chances of finding a cute straight guy at school are slim to none)