I always cheated. And now comes the classical explanation of being badly scarred in first relationship ever, yeah, but it's been more about the ideal of free love and separating love and sex so that they CAN be enjoyable without both being in the picture. I have also been cheated on more than once. Then I started seeking partners who had the same history and making some sort of open arrangement.
I am an open person and can get people to trust me so what my experience says is that it's pretty equal in amount. Both sexes cheat to get (better) sex or having a bit of romance but what I've seen men seem to cheat if they haven't had that many partners before starting the phase of serious monogamous relationship in their lives so they want to know if they've missed out on something or get more confidence when they don't have to admit having been with only one or two people.
BTW, last year I was talking in a grill party with two men. The Finnish boy is my friend and known plyaboy/bragger and the other person was visiting from the States. The guest was handsome and small celeb (Justin Achilli) so many girls looked at him the Way. Heck, I did. He was really great storyteller and came up with hilarious drunken pranks. But I noticed him trying to mention his gf when stuff started getting too excited. When we were talking the discussion got serious when "the playboy" asked if he gets a lot of girls trying something at him. He said he's catholic, not a saint by any means but brought up that way anyhow took a serious face and said he would never cheat on his gf. We both finns felt like "uh, ok, if you feel so strongly about it... sorry that we asked." I got no reliable statistics but I think Scandinavians have more liad back attitude. People might live over it in marriage more easily than just get a divorce immidiately when they hear about spouse cheating once.
Last edited by suviko; 12-10-2003 at 12:19 AM..