Thread: 24: Day 3
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Old 12-09-2003, 10:25 PM   #78 (permalink)
Location: West Lafayette, IN
We start off with Gael duct taping Kim to a chair and asking what she saw. Again, Kim in peril is overplayed. Why not Chloe or someone else? Gael is quickly uncovered as the mole inside of CTU...well, at least this years mole when Adam tries to get into Tech 1 and discovered the access codes have changed. Gael really doesn't put up that much of a fight when he is trying to escape CTU.

The party on Ramon's plane is real exciting. He fights with wanting to kill Jack for half the episode. The way Jack took out Pedro by faking the seizure was good stuff. I wish I was cool enough to break a guys neck with my legs.

Chase is on the hunt for Jack much to the chagrin of Chapelle. He ends up at the house of a contact Jack and he established while working the Salizar case before. This accountant dealt witht the financial issues of Salizar and he uncovered that Jack's plane would be landing in Las Nievas.

Chase is finally growing on me now that he is given the ability to grow as a character. It grows more and more each week. How he dealt with the accountant was good stuff, defying his boss was very Bauer-ish, and just by going dark in general is going to be really interesting....he is heading to Las Nievas to get Jack back.

President Palmer is dealing with the repercussions of withdrawing from the debate with Senator Kieler early. I am really not interested in this storyline. I don't care about Anne. I would actually go so far as to say I don't even like her character. She seems too weak to be dating the leader of the free world. She always looks like she is going to cry. Her issues with her ex husband are not of interest either. She is going to go to his office to get some documents that will clear her name and most likely be framed for something like murder or conspiracy, etc. They want to make her out to be another Sherry so Palmer won't trust her. In fact, I wouldn't put it past Wayne to be the one setting up the meeting between Anne and her ex. He wants Anne out of the way, and this would be a good way to accomplish that.

"Chloe is a pain in the ass" was definitely the quote of the episode.

Interrogating Gael was interesting. I don't really know what Chapelle was having Johnson injected into Gael but it seemed painful enough. Chapelle really isn't that great at interrogation. Repeating the same thing over and over was way too reminiscent of Jack trying to get Joseph Wald out of his bunker last season. "Dammit, Joe! Come out!"

Speaking of pain, apparently Tony has been taking classes from Jack on dealing with pain. He was shot in the neck a few hours ago, just exited surgery, and is already leaving the hospital to go back to work. The plausibility is really weak, but it made for good TV. The reason why he had to leave the hospital? Too good.

Apparently Jack, Gael, and Tony had it all planned out to get Jack back in with the Salizars via Hector. Having Jack break Ramon out of prison was a way to reestablish his cover in the Salizar family.

First off, Hector Salizar is most likely taking too many of his own drugs to let a guy who betrayed him like Jack back into his inner circle again. Once you get past that fact though, this is genius. Ramon is obviously against all of this and not trusting whatsoever. With Jack back inside, he can get access to the virus and try and get rid of it.

It is also most likely going to set up a clash between Chase and Jack. Chase is going to get captured and Ramon is most likely going to want Jack to take him out to prove his loyalty to the family again.

I honestly didn't see any of this turning out this way, so once again the writers have thrown a curveball to the viewers which makes us wonder what is going to happen next. Luckily we have next week, and then its a christmas break most likely.

7 more days...
Take notice. Take interest. Take me with you.
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