Originally posted by munchini
stick with ati - nvidia is slowly loosing its grip on the video card market
Everyone keeps saying this, but no one has the proof for it. It's really getting on my nerves how everyone is saying ATI is beating NVIDIA's ass in the videocard department. Oh wow, ATI has stronger cards for Half-Life 2! Oh wait...NVIDIA has stronger cards for Doom 3. Which one is more graphically taxing?
ATI just released the 9800 XT. Man, it's beating the FX 5950's ass six ways to Sunday! Yeah...on 3d Mark 2001 with no AA, filtering, or resolutions above 800x600. Let's all take a look at actual games now. What, the FX 5950 is winning in half of the tests! Oh, and it actually got higher in 3d Mark 2003!
Give me a break. The 9800 XT and 5950 Ultra are both excellent cards that excel in different games and benchmarking applications. ATI DOES NOT have a lead on NVIDIA, and NVIDIA DOES NOT have a lead on ATI. I don't care what mindset ya have, nothing changes raw data. If the FX wins in half the tests and the Radeon wins in the other half...how does that show that ATI is winning?
None of this is even looking at the fact that NVIDIA currently has a videocard out right now that is years old for $80-$100 that is better than 90% of the new cards. This card even runs all of today's games at great framerates. It runs Half-Life 2 and Doom 3. It's called the GeForce 4 TI4200, and ATI doesn't have one. The closest competitor is the Radeon 9500 Pro which is much more expensive. If anything, NVIDIA is winning in the price-for-performance ratio.