Originally posted by Kaos
Just be flattered that gay men find you attactive. Probably means you are just as attractive to the women-folk as well. Don't worry about it unless one actually hits on you. Calmly tell him that you aren't gay, not interested, and the news of your heterosexual preference will spread like wildfire through the small gay gym-member society.
Women have put up with this for ages. Men they wouldn't want any attention from still give them the unwanted attention, and they have lived with it just fine.
Perhaps I should clarify my stance. I am not a homophobe. I have many gay friends and I am flattered that I get looks at the gym. I did take a part as devil's advocate to stir up responses about this thread. My argument addresses the fact that there is a double standard in place with the whole bathroom issue. I like it the way it is and think gay and straight bathrooms are discriminatory.