wilbjammin, i like the way you think. It's a little different than my opinion, yet you raise some interesting questions and have different ideas on where some problems occur. I wish I had some answers for you, but I don't. Education and motivation are hard to teach. We all have different backgrounds, and that's a huge factor in our levels of education and motivation, and sadly, many people never break away from the lifestyle they grow up with.
Thanks, unfortunately, I don't have the answers to what I bring up and I'm not even sure if I've I'm getting the whole picture. I tend to think that a lot of things are connected in more ways than we realize. It is very theoretical to say "these are the problems and this what would fix it". I do think that improved education would help, but otherwise there are many other factors that I have no idea how to address and haven't identified yet. It is a place to start a discussion though. I like looking at issues from as many different perspectives as possible. Whether or not some lines of inquiry prove to be fruitless or not doesn't really matter; I find the process helpful and it makes me feel a little less powerless.
Many people never do break away from the lifestyle that they grow up with, so definitely when you find many people making the same choices that you consider to be poor it will take many years and effort for a positive change if one is ever coming.