I know other peoples cell phones can be incredibly annoying. Thing is. My fear with using this would be - What if I was blocking an imporant phone call about a loved one. For example: when hubby was in the hospital, in a coma and with a lung infection of pneumonia and staph, the hospital gave us a beeper. If we had a cell phone they would have used that number to reach us but instead used a beeper that they provided. It was for an emergency should hubby take a turn for the worse. He was doing so poorly at one point that a slight slip and he would have been dead. They wanted to be able to reach us should that happen. If someone had a call like that - this could block it, right? I know - what's the chance of that happening - SLIM. But that would be my worry. For the most part I just choose to go places that aren't as busy and I ignore the people around me if I need my peace and quiet. On mass transit is not the place to find peace and quiet. It's just not going to happen.
I do agree that cell phones don't need to be ringing in theaters and such public places. They can be put on vibrate and you can leave to take the call. People just need to be more considerate.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.