Like someone said - look at your hands - if you have callouses - I suppose what was being eluded to is if you "work for a living" - then went on to imply that the Democratic party would most likely act in your best interests. This at one time might have been correct but I seriously doubt it - the implication comes from long time labor union support for the party - has absolutely nothing to do with the slob that paid the dues and was basically forced to vote for the union's candidate. This is bullshit. Look at the candidate or candidates and ignore the party other than its expressed view. Does the candidate look like and act like someone you can support and trust. Look at who is supporting that candidate - for example - Gore just came out in support of Dean - I was unlikely to have voted for Dean in the first place and now have no question at all in deciding that if Gore likes him, he doesn't need to be elected to anything. That is just my view but the idea is valid - look at the individuals and consider the party later. If you are in a state in which you have to register by party then registration makes a difference. In this state most local elections are decided in the Republican primary - if you are not registered as a Republican then most often you have no say at all in local elections - when the national and state wide elecetions come along it makes no difference how you are registered - then you vote for the candidate and not the party.
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!