MA'S are a tricky subject, I know this due to the fact that I have studied Okinawan Karate, Judo, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Yes, they can teach you how to handle yourself in a fight and also give you self-confidence. However, if your sole motivation for starting a MA is due to this ONE incident, you will probably only last a few months. You really have to be in it for the long haul if you want to become profficeint at an art.
That being said, if you DO deicde you want to join a school, these are the things you should be wary of:
1. Children who aren't old enough to have driving permits walking around with Black Belts. This is usually a sign of schools that sell belt rankings and do not have high standards. Typically these are Tae Kwon Do and Karate schools who give out Black Belts after 3 years. These are commonly referred to as "McDojos".
2.Katas/Forms. Despite what anyone tells you these dances will not help you in a self defense situation. Sure they are good for excercise and developing balance, but not much time should be wasted on them.
These are the lessons I have learned in my MA experience. Today I would not consider myself a Martial Artist due to the fact that I no longer attend a school. However, I still retain my knowledge of striking from Karate, my throws and trips from Judo, and the groundfighting I learned from Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. No matter which art you choose, you have to remember that it's only one piece of the puzzle, no art is complete. Once you realize this you will become a much more dangerous and efficient fighter.
"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows us that faith proves nothing." - Friedrich Nietzsche