I believe that most of the long-term issues are software related. The compaq we had in 98 had a stupid compaq interface with windows that developed problems over time with more advanced programs.
The problem that I have with my eMach does not have anything to do with the eMach it is a MS Window update that did not stick and I need to fix to get rid of the "run-time error"?
What I am trying to avoid is the DOA or soon afterward due to inferior design, poor quality components or bad assembly.
I remember back in 2000 a stream of complaints about HP computers from friends and family who were just getting on the internet and bought the friendly HP and had nothing but problems both hardware and how the software worked with the hardware.
Basically I am keying in on a salesperson saying the eMach is poor quality and not to buy it and the Compaq is much better. Is ther any validity to this claim or is the current production weak?