I suppose it all depends on the demographics and location. Obviously, francophones living in southern Quebec (Montreal, Hull, etc.) have a higher interest to learn English than those living in the Saguenay or Quebec region. However, to learn a language does not necessarily mean losing the other, unless you're talking about francophone parents choosing to send their children to English schools, which is a challenge in itself because of law 101. In my opinion, seeing as there are other francophones throughout the country that are able to maintain their roots, it would take a lot to significantly alter the current situation in Quebec. Even though I agree that lowering the amount of money dedicated to the "protection" of French culture would not have a great impact, and therefore could be done, comparing these funds to those allotted to fisheries and farms seems out of context. Nonetheless, I believe the big brouhaha about fervent separatism has finally run its course, in the sense that it will no longer garner national attention as did the referendums.
Sadly, you are right about the Quebec vote. As with the referendums, everything is rooted too deeply in language. I would love to see a non-francophone/non-Quebec tied premier who would be balanced enough to hear everyone out, but I suppose it's just a pipe dream.
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.