Originally posted by Minx
Sorry to hear you've been sore TinniT....glad to have you back in the game.
Lemon...paper cuts....look out Sexodus!
I know LOL, Tinnt you trying to kill me? JK
Thanks for all the help guys, You shure know how to help a comrade LOL thanks.
Originally posted by TinniT
Sorry I've been missing the last page of action. I've been having some lower back pains and it took away from the amusement in my creative side, and it wasn't very comfortable to sit at the computer. It's all better now.
FYI: For anyone who ever has lower back pain, or muscle tension that lasts for prolonged amounts of time, i *HIGHLY* reccommend "Therma Care" body raps. I was amazed at how quickly, after 3 days of pain, it alleviated *all* of the pain in only 3 hours. In order to thin my blood, I also drank some alcohol, and the combination provided amazing results. I am in a much better mood, and 72 hours of back pain is now virtually nil.
Let the gaming proceed!
I know how you fill. I have no fluids in my L3 Vertibra. It hurts like hell. But percocets help

P.S. I am glad to see you are doing better, Hopefully me too. My second Epideral(Spelling?) is on the 11th.