Originally posted by Superbelt
If all this is so horrible, why does the Euro continue to rise?
Because we have a large trade deficit. And why do we have a large trade deficit? Because our economy is so much better than their socialist/labor/welfare economies that we can afford to buy all the frickin' cheap, stanky camembert and boujolais nouveau we can stand to consume.
Seriously, you should look into taking an economics course.
Sorry if you don't like my comments, but I believe your comments are just a smear against union labor.
Believe what you want to believe, pal, but I'll let my economic analysis and reason-based arguments stand on their own merit.
My graph quantifies the equitable treatment of employees, not extortion.
Um, actually it shows unequitable treatment. See how one bar is bigger than the other? Yeah. That means they're not equal. Not equitable. And what do the folks in the one bar do to deserve more than those in the other? Hmm?
The companies have it, why should the employees not try to get it.
You have money, why should I not try to get yours? The ends do not justify the means, Superbelt.
I would sure feel sorry for the poor schlub working the same job making 7 dollars an hour less on average than a union employee who is getting his fair share.
Me too. I feel sorry for him because the union used extortion to take money that should otherwise have gone to him.