Originally posted by twotimesadingo
Actually, I know of dozens upon dozens of cases in which people who possess drugs in dealer quantities had all manner of records seized, including medical records. You see, a good friend of the family works with the United States Attorney's Office, and I have also spent a good deal of time in the New Hampshire District Office. While I can't give any case names -- I don't remember any of them, to be honest -- I know for a fact that this friend of the family spent a good deal of his time working for the U.S. Attorney who aided in ATF and narcotics prosecution.
Trust me, more hours than you can even begin to comprehend goes in to preparing for a federal drug possession case (and remember, the quantity of drugs Limbaugh possessed may make him eligible for federal prosecution). This includes the collection of pertinent material, such as the collection of medical documents. It happens. You don't hear about it because most of the people prosecuted in this manner are not celebrities, so the media doesn't showcase the event.
If that's the norm, then I stand corrected. As I've stated, it SEEMS that this investigation is going beyond the bounds of other publicized investigations. As far as not hearing about the seizing of medical records because the people aren't famous, I know of many cases in my local area where prescription drug use was rampant, other much more serious crimes were committed and medical records were not seized. I am still not convinced that the seizure of medical records is the "norm".