"A really good friend of mine (I'm a guy, she's a girl) has become a pot head. Smoking 5-6 times a week, somtimes more. I've never been into the drug scene at all, and I'm worried for her. Whenever I try to warn her about it, or ask her to think about cutting back, she gets really mad at me, and it takes me a few days to even repair the relationship to the point where she'll speak to me again. She never acted that way before she started smoking"
First of all 5 or 6 times a week isn't anything to worry about. I wouldn't consider that a pothead. 5 or 6 times a day on the other hand is a different story.
Secondly, of course she is gonna get mad at you for "warning" her about it. Thats gotta be annoying and a total buzz killer. Its not because she is smoking pot, its cause you are telling her the same thing over and over again.
You have warned her of whatever you think you can happen that won't be good for her. Thats all you can do. Just nagging her about it is just gonna make her not want to hang out with you.
Good Luck.