Well first of all she is being very selfish in my opinion. She needs to educate herself on her own body. She should never expect you to stop masterbating. You did it before her and you will do it after her. I pleasure myself on a regular bases sometimes in front of my husband. I think some woman are very insecure with their sexuality. She needs to wake up and realize what she has and participate. Sex; I do not care what anybody says it is very important in a long lasting relationship. My husband openend me up to being more sexually free by us watching sex ed videos and porn. Made me feel more comfortable about discussing and acting on my fantacies. Really there is only so much you can do she has the problem not you. You can not solve it she has to. I wish you the best of luck with this I really do! I hope things do work out, but remember that it is not you. You are normal and it is very healthy to masturbate. If she could break down her wall she could enjoy it too!