Originally posted by Dwarf020
you may have a point, i may be assuming bush isnt retarded when he really is.
I don't deny that one can certainly interpret the events like you did. Given the results of his actions, however, I don't think that interpretation too likely.
After Bush declared our victory, the media began to wind down its coverage. Shortly thereafter, the 24/7 coverage ceased and we now only receive sporadic accounts of what is occurring over there. I don't think we can attribute this to short attention spans because, during the two weeks where we essentially steamrolled our way to Baghdad, a large segment of the population was glued to the television.
In respect to the size of the country, the incidents between our forces and their enemies, and the amount of reporters we have (had?) over there, we really know absolutely jack shit about what is occurring.
Meanwhile, the country we
know was a terrorist hotbed slips out of our consciousness and into stateless oblivion. At the same time, we decide to order 40% of our forces into a state of inactivity so the soldiers can recuperate.