Darghon looks at the birds and says "They're like the same bird with mirror image personalities" He raises a partly scaley eyebrow under the hood of his cloak. "Excuse me duke, can we put them in a cage and see who wins?" He jokes with chuckle.
"That is the only problem with scrolls, after you use them they fade away. I know a similar spell to that first one." The corner of his mouth raises slightly. "I don't know of that second one though, I have only been in the school of elements for only a few hundred years.. perhaps if I had specialised I would have had one element studied, if not maybe two, ahh wells.." Darghon sighs "oh well, diversity is good, please excuse my ramblings"
Darghons eyes open slightly "This sounds terrible indeed, a being that is able to call open wraiths, minions of the greater demons" Watches as the duke turns pale, shrinking slightly.. Telepathically he says to Viroh "The duke could be possessed... from my schooling that's what I remember a physical change like that as.. Goin from good health to bad in an instant.."
Darghon looks around "Well my fellow comrades, what do you all say?" He says with a load voice "Shall we go a hunting?" Darghon grins showing a few of his teeth.
Telepathically he says to Viroh "If the duke is possessed, then I fear that it may know that we are already coming" Darghon stands waiting a reply from his comrades...
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?!