I had appendicitis (sp?) over the summer and had to have surgery. Up until then I had NEVER been to the hospital. Not one broken bone, major sickness, or anything. Anyway, I of course had to have surgery to get that removed. At first it didn't bother me that much because I was in so much pain and would have welcomed death, or a scalpel, whichever came first.
However, when the surgery got closer (they kept me in the hospital a good 4 hours waiting on the surgery), I was scared absoultely out of my mind. I was afraid they wouldn't get all of my appendix and I'd have to have surgery again. Don't ask why I was afraid of that, I have no idea. Must've been the drugs.
Overall the procedure wasn't that bad, I don't even remember the nurses putting me to sleep, and the thing that hurt the worst was taking out the catheder (holy CRAP that sucked).
If you're flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit. - Mitch Hedberg