Originally posted by Zorvox
Beating off will always make you blow alot quicker.
end of story
No it won't. If you beat off and finish in 2 or 3 minutes when it comes to real sex it will be the same or even quicker.
Masturbation if done properly must be an experience.Take your time .It isn't just about finishing as fast as possible.If you program yourself that way,you will have alot of disappointed chicks saying. "that's ok,I don't mind." Bullshit they don't.
Being excited and overwhelmed by the act of sex makes some guys last minutes.Hell, some guys last seconds. Confidence,pacing yourself and enjoying the time for what it is goes alot further than the mindset of getting off.
Controlling ones orgasm has appeared in the forum before.Search out the advise and be a stud,not a dud.