Why am I so charged?
This is a very weird question, but I'm wondering why I'm so electrically charged. Everyone gets shocked from time to time, but it seems like almost a dozen times a day I touch something metallic and a zap goes through my hand. I've even seen the sparks once or twice! What's weirder is I've been standing on concrete shutting my car door and it happens!
When I'm sitting on my couch there's a lot of static electricity, I can see my hairs sticking up like when you touched one of those static electricity balls.
This is all really weirding me out. If it's healthy, then I don't care, it's kind of cool. But the paranoia in me has me wondering if this might put me at risk for some sorts of disorders... having apparantly so much electrical sensitivity.
Can anyone shed some light on this? Is this normal? If it's abnormal is it safe? I think my college physics class just stopped short.