Elite, that is absulutely true. I just upgraded to midgrade gas for my jeep, at 250k miles. Its needed it for that last 20-30k or so, but it finallly got to the point where it REQUIRED it. As your fuel burns (a series of hydrocarbons), some of the carbon gets into your cylinder. This takes of volume, and subsequently raises the compression ratio. This increases heat and pressure, and so your gas can ignite too early. This is bad for the cylinders and horrible for the pistons, but its also produces more NOx (a major component in photochemical smog). The higher grade gas takes more pressure to ignite, and thus doesn't burn until the spark hits. Couple cents more a gallon, but on a whole tank, 2 bucks to dramatically increase engine life is reasonably cheap insurance.
Dont cry kid, It's not your fault you suck.