What size tablet should I get? What are good (preferably available in Europe/Netherlands) tablets to get?
See I've got RSI. Not bad enough yet to warrant that I quit mousing all together but enough to warrant getting a tablet and getting one soon. Especially seeing as on bad days my index finger continues on clicking after I get home from my work/internship. Funny to see, not funny to experiance.
Now I am not a rich guy (quite the opposite) but as it's my health I am willing to spend my entire first paycheck of the internship (around €200 (luckily I like the work)) to get a decent one.
The question is wether to go for an A6 or an A5. An A6 has an active area of about 128 x 93 mm and an A5 has one of 203 x 162 mm. So an A5 is about twice the size of an A6 but also more than three times as expensive, barely affordable
So the question is: is it worth getting an A5 when you're a developer and don't do graphical stuff?