Originally posted by Ustwo
Lurkette I'm sorry but you don't know what you are talking about.
Oops, sorry, I forgot - I'm an idiot and Ustwo is the repository of all right thinking.
Listen, show me some data from INDEPENDENT scientific and economic sources *i.e., not the Sierra Club or the Center for Individual Freedom, or the much bandied Rush Limbaugh) and I'll gladly eat my words.
I think a key source of disagreement here is a basic difference in assumptions.
I don't think that preserving the grossly elevated American standard of living is sufficient argument for ignoring the purported effects of human behavior (largely Western, largely American behavor) on global climate change that affects not just 300 million Americans but 7 billion people around the world. You can argue about the science all you want, but it's fairly well-accepted that the global warming trend is a fact, and that human behavior contributes a substantial amount of that effect. It's a bit of a Pascal's wager for the environment - the consequences of ignoring the science, if it happens to be true, are much greater than the consequences of acting to change our behavior in the face of faulty assumptions.