Originally posted by lurkette
Why don't they go the next step and exlude ugly people from buying/wearing their clothes? They wouldn't want unattractive customers tarnishing their image.
Please. It's one thing to say they have a right to hire who they want; it's another for them to cut back on the hours of "unattractive" (says who?) employees. If they're getting the job done, if their sales figures are otherwise acceptable, this is discrimination pure and simple. Let me re-emphasize that "says who?" If they have certain qualifications that must be met and they include arbitrarily defined "aesthetic" ones, they should publish the standard and be above-board about it and take their PR knocks (which they're taking anyhow), rather than trying to appear egalitarian () but secretly sabotaging their less than Ubermenschian salespersons.
They don't ban ugly people from wearing their clothes because their goal is to make money (although, I wouldn't mind if they'd ban fat people from wearing belly shirts). Upon accomplishing said goal, the next step is making more money. A good formula if I do say so myself.
Says who is them. They say, and they should be (and are) able to. If you do hire ugly people your sales figures will suffer as well, I saw not so long ago a report which showed that good looking people make more money on average, and good looking salesmen also make more sales. So there is a reasoning behind it other then "we hate the fatties."
The people who claim discrimination are the ones who bother me. They feel they're entitled to something, and if they don't get it they blame it on race, or appearance, or weight, or religion or whatever. It's rediculous.